Lawyers Thinking Inside And Outside The Box

Our Services

Our Services
why choose us

No More Worries, You Can Trust Our Lawyers. We Care.

Our firm is focused on our clients’ demands for an exceptional legal service model that provides value. We understand that, for clients, value is not a mere hourly rate comparison. Value means efficient processes for tracking and reporting; creative approaches to reducing legal risk; enhanced cost certainty and results.

our expertise

Legal Practice Areas

We are one of Australia’s leading privately owned IP firms. Our team is highly responsive and will ensure you receive the best possible advice regarding IP law and practice.

Trademark Protection

We have years of experience in handling trade mark matters, including registration, oppositions, infringement, and commercialisation.

Patent Consulting Services

At Bookmark IP, our consultant patent attorneys have a wealth of technical experience across a broad range of industries.

Intellectual Property Management

We offer a range of IP Management services designed to help clients protect and manage their valuable IP assets.

Commercial Law Experts

Our lawyers can provide you with broad commercial advice concerning your IP and business at large.

Notary Public Services Consultant

At Bookmark IP, we have an in-house Notary Public who can assist our clients with a range of notarial services.

IP Litigation and Conflict Resolution Consultants

Our goal is to help our clients achieve the best possible outcome in their IP Litigation and Disputes.

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